
LIGA 3 | DELEGARI! FCM Dorohoi arbitrata de o brigada din Tg. Mures cu cei de la Husi!

FCM Dorohoi (BT) – FCM Huşi (VS)
Data: 2012-09-14 Ora: 17:00  

A: Kusztos Laszlo Istvan (Târgu Mureş – Mureş)
A1: Moldovan Aurel Sebastian (Târgu Mureş – Mureş)
A2: Munteanu Elena (Târgu Mureş – Mureş)
Obs: Popa Ionel (Paşcani – Iaşi)
Obs: Vamanu Vasile (Piatra Neamţ – Neamţ)

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