
BRASOV CUP | Vezi programul de astazi al juniorilor botosaneni! va prezinta programul de astazi al juniorilor botosaneni de la turneul Brasov Junior’s Cup 2012:

Sambata 11 august:

Antrenor CSS Botosani U16: Daniel Schiopu

Antrenor CSS Botosani U14: Paul Cucu

Antrenor LPS Botosani: Cristian Frumuz


– ora 8:35 : Mircea Eliade Bucuresti – LPS 1 Botosani

– ora 9:45 : LPS 2 Botosani – LPS Vaslui Alb

– ora 10:00 (stadion Brasovia): Sport Team – CSS Botosani U14

– ora 13:00 (stadion Sacele): Speranta Tg. Mures – CSS Botosani U16

– ora 13: 50 : LPS 1 Botosani – CSS Slatina

– ora 15:00 : LPS 2 Botosani – Dani Coman Pitesti

– ora 18:00 (stadion Sacele): Corona Brasov – CSS Botosani U16




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